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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

In trust we dog

IANAL (I wonder if Publix would put that on a cake?)

Yesterday SCOTUS decided 5-4 that employers can enforce clauses that bar class-action suits against them. I can't decide which is more ridiculous: the (conservative) headlines that this is great for worker freedom or the (liberal) headlines that this will inevitably lead to small scale wage theft by every employer in the nation. If you believe either of these, you should probably look up the word "delusional".

I have previously solved problems here with forms or something I vaguely remember but am too lazy to look up and link to. Here I will solve the (liberal) headline problem:
Instead of a class-action, all employees should assign their losses to a trust. The trust will then sue the employer. Just like with a class action, the damage award will be split 30% to the lawyers and $2.51 to each trust member.

You're welcome.

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