If you're looking for the funniest stuff, I suggest starting with the Steve, Don't Eat It Homage and then the travel category. You're on your own with the older posts that have yet to be categorized.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


One decent commercial so far. The one for Pepsi with the deaf people.

What's with the voting crap? Is that some kind of play on "Patriots"?

Oh, even more, now they're reciting the Declaration and chastising me for not knowing it! If it was important, someone would have put it to music and played it on TV on Saturday mornings.

Wait! The best part is they followed the D of I very closely with a tourism ad for Canada!

Hey! You wanna get high? Just take some drugs from your parents medicine cabinet!

There can be only ONE American Idol! Or seven. But who's counting?

Tom! Show us you t*ts!

Stewie vs. Underdog, that was decent.

"A lot of sweat goes into every bottle." Nice.

A man attaches jumper cables to his nipples. At the bottom of the screen it says "Do Not Attempt". Please send pics if you ignore the warning.

Touchdown by Not The Patriots! I want to trademark "Biggest Choke Ever!"

And that's everything you need to know about Bill Bellyache. Not even on the field for the end of the game. Weanie.

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