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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Most Delicious Body Of Christ

What's 6 feet tall, 200 lbs. and tastes better than a Eucharist wafer? It's the chocolate Jesus, of course.

I'd love to believe this Catholic League press release that says the public will be invited to eat chocolate Jesus, but, c'mon, it's the Catholic League. I'm too familiar with crazy to believe anything they have to say. But hypothetically, I could use a chunk to make chocolate Jesus scrotum chip cookies or some other similar delicacy. I wonder if my co-workers would eat such delights.

My sources tell me that after the Catholic League first complained, the artist did make a second Jesus to appease them. This one was made of white chocolate, which correctly ignores history in aligning with the Catholic view of a white Jesus. However, since both Jesi were depicted sans loin cloth and "anatomically correct", the white Jesus did not measure up and that is why the Catholic League is so upset.

A classic case of chocolate penis envy.


Anonymous said...

If you read the BBC article, the artist also does work in mozzarella cheese. This clearly is where he made his mistake. To apease those in the Vatican, he should have make the 'sculpture', for lack of a better word, out of Mozzarella! Think of the possibilities for the tomato sauce. Crap, it's Sunday and I'm going to Hell....


talljay said...

Apparently he exited his "cheese" period although he may revisit it when he enter his bleu period.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, if he made it out of cheese, would it be "Cheese's of Nazarath"?


talljay said...


but you're too late the name is taken

Anonymous said...

Where the hell do you find all this stuff?