If you're looking for the funniest stuff, I suggest starting with the Steve, Don't Eat It Homage and then the travel category. You're on your own with the older posts that have yet to be categorized.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Damn Your Drunk Tests Are Hard

The picture you see to the right is one of those "captchas" they use to ensure comments are being written by people and not bots. I stared at this one for quite a while wondering whether it was

  1. cogkkvvv,
  2. cogkkvw, or
  3. cogkkwv
If you think you know, stare at it a little longer and see if it changes.
I'll post the answer in a couple days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it is cogkkvw
b/c the first line is thinner than the rest