If you're looking for the funniest stuff, I suggest starting with the Steve, Don't Eat It Homage and then the travel category. You're on your own with the older posts that have yet to be categorized.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


I had some PhotoShop fun today while waiting for my car to be inspected. Write your own caption.

  • Now I see where you get your ideas!
  • Looks fine to me.
  • Mmmmph mmrmmph.
  • Who's bakin' brownies?
Update: So I just noticed that Zazzle (the place that sells my T-shirts) won't show you this shirt unless you log in. Presumably, this is done to "protect the children" when all it does is prevent children from seeing a representation of the people who make up such asinine rules.

Update 2: I changed the rating of the shirt to 'G' so you should be able to see it now in all its glory...until someone (who likely either has or is acting like a child) complains and they delete it.

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