If you're looking for the funniest stuff, I suggest starting with the Steve, Don't Eat It Homage and then the travel category. You're on your own with the older posts that have yet to be categorized.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Clip And Save

Suppose you opened up a pint of ice cream (brand new), scooped some out and sat down to eat it. While eating, you happen upon something irregular. Upon spitting it out it appears to be a fingernail clipping (or perhaps a toenail clipping). What would you do?

I finished eating the ice cream.


freethoughtguy said...

I'd get my fingers out of the cone!

Jenntos said...

immediately stop and throw it out.

talljay said...

ft - no cone involved.

cf - Did I mention that it was cookie dough ice cream? _Now_ what would you do?

Jenntos said...

i get ooged out easily. wouldn't have mattered if it was my fav ice cream or not. i'm delicate. *cough*